Elwha, Washington

We arrived safely in Vancouver sometime around 5pm on Friday night, dropped off by Eddie and Andrew. The drive up was rather long, and didn't allow for very much sleep. As a group it was decided to head on in to Stanley Park in Vancouver, at which point we spent a few minutes unloading and preparping, with a very small amount of park wanderings in between. Kevin and I took off from the park region and proceeded along the Lion's gate bridge and stayed near the water in an RV park just on the other side.

On Saturday we proceeded down towards Tawwassen, stopping to pick up a few supplies on the way, like another bag for Kevin, and a cyclocomputer for me. Both have been fairly handy for us thus far. From here I had my first flat tire of the trip, which turned out to be fairly quick to fix. Once we hit Tawwassen, we took the ferry across to Vancouver Island just north of Sidney and found a little-known campsite for the night.

It was extremely undeveloped as far as state or federal campsites go, and was exactly what we were looking for.

This morning we left our now wet (thanks rain) campsite and headed in to Victoria proper, about a 30k ride.

This part of the ride was really quite nice, there was a side of the road bike path from where we were about 1/3 of the way in, at which point we were on Hwy 17 precisely. (Amusingly enough we rode across all of Hwy 17.) Stopped at a Tim Horton's in Victoria, which doesn't happen to be as plentiful as on the east coast. Biked the rest of the way downtown to Victoria, and got to see the Parliament building from the outside, and then caught another ferry from Victora into Port Angeles.

(This one isn't that interesting)

Tonight we're in Elwha, Washington, just outside the port and it is the first time we have had internet and power for an extended period of time. With any luck the batch upload of videos will work, and the above place holders will be removed. done.

Hopefully at the start of Oregon, we will take a day break and another set of blog posts :).


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